Serious Illness Care Program at Ariadne Labs

Description: This website includes tools and resources for patients, clinicians, and health systems that support more, better, and earlier conversations between seriously ill patients and their clinicians about their goals, values and priorities. There are resources for different audiences, including clinicians, patients, as well as an international community of practice.
AACN Domains: Communication; Evidence-Based Practice
Format: Website
Audience: Associates Level; Baccalaureate Level; Graduate Level; Practicing Nurses; Nursing Faculty
Cost: Free
Tips and Suggestions: With learners, you can review and discuss the Serious Illness Conversation Guide and it’s flow, then pair students up to participate in a role play where students practice using the language on the guide to explore the goals, values and priorities.
Citation: Serious Illness Care Resources, Tool and Guides. Ariadne Labs. Accessed November 1, 2022.