Case Study on Preventable Transfer to the Hospital
Publication date: July 8, 2022
Description: A case study, followed by commentary describing the challenges in communication related to goals of care discussions, and the complexities of transitions between skilled nursing facilities (SNF) and hospitals.
AACN Domains: Communication; Clinical Judgement; Ethics
Format: Case Study
Audience: Associates Level; Baccalaureate Level; Graduate Level; Practicing Nurses
Cost: Free
Tips and Suggestions: This case study and accompanying commentary, could be used as a catalyst for classroom discussion in a fundamentals, or med/surg classroom, as well as a palliative care specific lecture or course. Nursing focused discussion questions would be a helpful addition when using this resource.
Citation: Agrawal G, Kashkouli P, Bakerjian D. “Preventable Transfer to the Hospital.” Patient Safety Network, 8 July 2022, Accessed November 1, 2022.