Center to Advance Palliative Care

Center to Advance Palliative Care

Description: It provides comprehensive resources, essential tools, training, technical assistance, and connection for all clinicians caring for people with serious illness. It has many online courses for various disciplines, including disease-specific (e.g., dementia care) and population-specific (e.g. pediatric) offerings.

AACN Domains: Clinical Judgement; Communication; Compassionate Care; Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion; Ethics; Evidence-Based Practice; Health Policy; Social Determinants of Health

Format: Website

Audience: Associates Level; Baccalaureate Level; Graduate Level; Practicing Nurses; Nursing Faculty

Cost: Some resources are free, while others require an institutional membership

Tips and Suggestions: This is a good resource for leaners to familiarize themselves with. There are many case studies that translate well to pre-learning activities for lectures on clinical care. For example, have learners watch a video and discuss how to incorporate into specific care settings. Check if your institution has a membership and/or use what is free.

Citation: Center to Advance Palliative Care. Accessed November 2, 2022.

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