The Growth of Palliative Care in the United States

The Growth of Palliative Care in the United States

Publication date: January 1, 2014

Description: A broad, comprehensive overview of palliative care which provides a brief history, clinical trials that support the use of palliative care, the future of palliative care, models that work, cost, and barriers to expanded use of palliative care.

AACN Domains: Health Policy; Evidence-Based Practice

Format: Article

Audience: Associates Level; Baccalaureate Level; Graduate Level;

Cost: Free

Tips and Suggestions: Great for a “first read” introduction to palliative care for use in a medical/surgical or palliative care-specific course.

Citation: Hughes, Mark T., and Thomas J. Smith. “The Growth of Palliative Care in the United States.” Annual Review of Public Health, vol. 35, no. 1, 2014, pp. 459–75,

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