The Birth of Bioethics

The Birth of Bioethics

Publication date: November 1, 1993

Description: This resource provides a summation of conference that was held in 1992. The focus of the conference was the thirteenth anniversary of an article in Life magazine, “They decide who lives, who dies.” The article provides a brief history behind some of the ethical decisions in end-of-life. The resource provides a rich foundation in ethics in end-of-life.

AACN Domain(s): Ethics; Health Policy

Format: Article

Audience: Associates Level; Baccalaureate Level; Graduate Level; Practicing Nurses

Cost: Available via JSTOR

Tips and Suggestions: The resources raises many ethical questions, and it warns the reader to carefully proceed in advent of advancing technologies.

Citation: Jonsen, A. R. (1993). The birth of bioethics. Hastings Center Report, 23(6), S1.

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