Join Atul and the whole Coalition gang at our Summit

Join Atul and the whole Coalition gang at our Summit

Publication Date: October 13, 2021


The virtual red carpet's rolled out -- we can't wait for all of you to join Dr. Atul Gawande and the whole Coalition gang at our Summit! We're so glad Atul can join us before he takes up his post at USAID.

Together, we'll be reflecting on what it means to prioritize equity and inclusion in serious illness care. How do patients and families define quality care and what matters most? Tune in for a Fireside Chat with Andrew Dreyfus and Michael Curry, we'll share new research findings, and then spend time reflecting with each other in breakout groups. It's going to be great!



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Laying the Foundation of a Health Care Proxy Volunteer Program
Laying the Foundation of a Health Care Proxy Volunteer Program

September 13, 2021

How might a health care proxy volunteer program look in Massachusetts? How can we best recruit and train volunteer health care proxies to ensure health care decisions made for each patient align with what matters most to them? What role can the Massachusetts Coalition for Serious Illness Care best play in developing such a program? These are the questions that Fiona Pat explored in 2020-2021 as part of her graduate Capstone Experience at Harvard Medical School’s Center for Bioethics.