You're Invited to Maine Medical Center's Grand Rounds
Publication Date: May 16, 2022
Please join us for Maine Medical Center's Palliative Medicine and Clinical Ethics virtual Grand Rounds on Tuesday May 17th, 2022 8-9AM ET, "Paving the Way for Universal Medical Student Training: the Massachusetts Medical Schools Collaborative" with speakers Jennifer Reidy and Stephanie Chan.
- Jennifer Reidy, MD, MS, FAAHPM
Chief, Division of Palliative Care, UMass Memorial Health
Associate Professor, UMass Chan Medical School
Program Director, UMass Palliative Medicine Fellowship
Joy McCann Professor for Women in Medicine
- Stephanie H. Chan, MPH
Deputy Director, Massachusetts Coalition for Serious Illness Care
Learning Objectives:
- Describe the strengths and challenges of a statewide collaborative to accelerate generalist palliative care training in undergraduate medical education.
- Review the strategies and processes of a statewide collaborative to develop shared competencies, map curricula, and engage students in curricular reform.
- Understand how individual schools are applying our results-to-date to inform longitudinal, developmentally based curricular design.
Join Zoom Meeting on 5/17 at 8 am ET