Wrapping up our pilot year

Wrapping up our pilot year

Publication Date: December 19, 2024

After ten beautiful meetings of our Massachusetts Patient and Community Review Board our pilot year has come to an end. Designed to provide a thoughtful space for patients and community members to share their insights and experiences with healthcare researchers and program developers, our Board members really shined. They shared from both their personal and professional experiences interacting with the health care system.

One researcher commented, “The Board helped to refine our interview approach to get more directly to the issues from the patient perspective.” Another program designer said that they changed language in a patient-facing toolkit that felt judgmental and blaming. Insights like these have been instrumental for researchers and program designers, and we saw how this Board was able to learn from each other and increase the value of their contributions as the year went on. Thank you to our Board members, as well as our partners at Patient Advocate Foundation, for making this pilot year such a success!

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Massachusetts gets 4.5 out of 5 stars!

December 19, 2024

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